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Sungguh Ajaib Daun Penangkal Petir dirumah Nenek

Penangkal Petir ' Ajaib Sungguh Ajaib Apa ada itu Daun Penangkal Petir ? (Tak lupa salam Sehat selalu) Siapapun pasti pernah mendengar suara "Petir" yang mengerikan dan bahaya yang ditimbulkan dan sedikit orang yang mengalami ke khawatiran ketika hujan deras banyak kilat yang menyambar-nyambar. Wow luar biasa ada pohon yang bisa menangkal suara Petir   cerita nya begini sewaktu saya sering tinggal di rumahnya nenek yang kebetulan rumah  nenek saya itu paling pinggir di sebuah desa kecil. sepi apalagi kalau malam hari. rumah nya pun kecil dindingnya dari papan yang sedikit tidak rapat kalau hujan pasti dingin apalagi jika banyak petir Weh...ngeri. suara petir kerap masuk sampai kedalam rumah pokok nya lebih keras dan sangat mengagetkan kami. Nenek saya termasuk tergolong orang jaman dulu sekarang beliau sudah meninggal akibat penyakit tuanya. Inalillahi wainna ilahi rojiuun. singkat cerita Enjoymaning banyak belajar dari nenek saya tentang jaman dahulu dan ...

5 Easy Tips This will be Ageless Young again

5 Easy Tips This will be Ageless Young again

enjoymaning.blogspot.com_5 Easy Tips This will be Ageless Young again
These 5 easy ways make you stay young.
Young Hot poto

let's read more youthful Secretariat 

This natural guide if applied correctly results maximum. First you need to do is breathe in ... That you are hoping for a healthy life because a healthy life becomes the main determinant for you who want fresh again (healthier)

1. reducing the daily serving dose

Usually once eat a lot of 2 full plates to 1.5doses of plate. Eating lots of big fast, old fast means quick wrinkles

2. weight training

lifting weights and fitness can form new vein growth and muscles become strong so the body becomes more refreshed looklike abg. other than that sagging skin can be tight with routine physical exercise like lifting the right load

3. reducing the hottest in the hot sun

the scorching heat of the sun in the middleof the day very quickly makes the body's skin becomes sagging, rough and dry. A good solution to avoid the heat of the sun is to wear long shirts and hats

4. reduce oily food and prefer green vegetables and fresh fruit

Eating green vegetables every day becomes body look fresh and make the face look bright. And oily foods make saturated fats if the routine in frequent consumption can reduce the freshness of the body.

5. Enough the needs of water and diligent drink traditional herbal medicine

Ideally routine fluid needs to be met by thehuman body every day is 7-8 glasses. If the body lacks fluid it appears dry on the skin is caused by the absence of moisture. Like water shortage crops long to dry. The share of water for the human body to maintain health dah food as a source of strength bodies. That's the shortway 5 young tips that have been proven tomake it look more fresh for those of you who might want him. in addition to the above tips are also balanced with good quality food also of course also like a lot of looking for something that can entertain yourself eg listening to songs, like the streets traveling.

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